what to text a girl after you kiss her

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Even if you experience like yous're the smoothest cat on the planet, most people lose a little of their cool after a adept buss. You'll terminate up panicking on the inside, wondering what to do side by side. Only there is no right answer almost what to practise later on a kiss-- and that'southward a adept thing! Just be yourself and take it slow.

  1. 1

    Enjoy the moment slowly, without worrying almost next steps. A adept osculation is a moment out of time, then savor it. Don't experience like you must immediately movement forrad or accept something to do side by side. But savor the kiss! More than often than not, the two of y'all will naturally discover something to talk nearly, exercise, or just keep on kissing -- so let the moment just happen.

    • In general, the best advice is simply to go ho-hum. Don't rush into anything. Instead, but take a jiff and tedious downwardly your thoughts.
    • The all-time advice for responding later a kiss is to follow your heart. It sounds platitude, but all kisses are unlike, and you volition know what to do if yous just trust yourself.[ane]
  2. 2

    Ease back out of the kiss, keeping yourself close to your partner'southward face. Later on the kiss, pull your head back slowly to give each of you some space. If y'all wrapped a hand around each other, you can lightly ease off, or hold each other shut for a more intimate moment.


  3. 3

    Wait your partner in the eyes and grin. As yous peel dorsum, a uncomplicated, small smiling is a slap-up way to bear witness your emotions without having to think of annihilation suave to say. More likely than not, there will exist some nervous, happy giggles and smiles either way, but don't worry if you lot have "nothing to say." This lightheaded, semi-bad-mannered moment is the perfect mode to show how much you savor each other without movie-perfect quotes. Y'all could also:

    • Run your hands through their hair.
    • Pull them in for a hug.
    • Wrap your arms around them, or loving cup their confront.
    • Nuzzle your noses against each other.
    • Keep your faces, like forehead and nose, touching.
    • Hold each other for a quiet moment alone.[2]
  4. 4

    Try not to forcefulness in any lines, quotes, or jokes to break the awkwardness. Mail service outset buss, no affair the circumstances, can frequently go a little bad-mannered. And that is okay! Learn to embrace this moment, which is honestly less bad-mannered and more exciting, without feeling like you need to say something. Nearly "smoothen" lines that people come up up with subsequently kisses are laughably bad -- a grin and a simple "I liked that," is often more than than enough.

    • Don't overthink things! Just keep being yourself.
    • If you feel confident and take something to say, say it! Even if it is a little corny, more than probable than not he/she volition laugh.
  5. 5

    Continue building your relationship subsequently your starting time kiss. A first osculation is merely one step in a relationship, so don't put and then much significance on it that you lot forget to be yourself. While things may be a little different for a day or two, at that place is no reason why a single kiss needs to change how you treat each other.[3]

    • The more you treat a kiss every bit a small growth in a larger human relationship, and not the single most of import moment in your lives, then it is doubtful that this will be your last kiss.


  1. 1

    Keep your partner close to you, with your faces nearly touching. A deep, passionate buss is often the forerunner to further passion, only all of the energy will dissipate if you motion apart. Go along your bodies touching, reaching an arm around his dorsum or bringing your hand upwardly to cup her face up. Staying tightly together keeps the charge alive and makes information technology easy to go on kissing.[4]

  2. two

    Move back in for another kiss if information technology feels right. Perchance he's staying close, keeping up eye contact. Maybe you lot see her await back down at your lips quickly. Maybe you're both smiling, and it simply feels right. By moving slowly after a kiss, keeping yourself close and non rushing into anything else, you go the gamble let the state of affairs unfold naturally, frequently into another kiss.[5]

    • At this point, you should end reading this article! Let yourself ease into the moment, trusting both yourself and your partner.
  3. 3

    Kiss other areas of your partner's face and neck. If things are feeling hot and heavy, move downwards to his cervix or ears. Pull him close, directing his head lightly with your fingers if there are areas you want to be kissed. Let your own lips and easily dictate the sort of experience you want -- going lower if you lot want to increase the oestrus, or staying up if you're moving slowly and getting to know each other.[six]

    • You have an equal say in what happens after these deep, passionate kisses, so feel free to state your boundaries or tedious things down.
  4. 4

    Have a second to ask if it is okay to motility on before doing so. If yous want to endeavour things other than kissing, then it is ever worth it to accept a 2d and ask if he/she is comfortable. Information technology seems weird, but information technology volition not ruin the mood -- it simply shows respect for your partner.

    • A buss is non an invitation to further activities. A kiss is just a buss -- don't assume it gives you some sort of permission to move forward.[vii]
  5. v

    Effort not to have yourself so seriously. In the movies, moments of passionate kissing are often heavy, dramatic, and mostly silent. But existent life passion is much more diverse, exciting, funny, and a picayune goofy. Nothing goes perfectly. But that is half the fun -- knowing that you can express joy if she steps on your toes, or if he needs to turn away to sneeze. Instead of trying to control everything to be "perfect," "passionate," or "sexy," just enjoy each other'south company. Let the mood unfold as it may and only accept fun.[viii]


  1. 1

    Step back out of the kiss with a business firm, confident motion. If the kiss doesn't feel right for some reason, yous don't have to freak out or jump back. When the buss is over, take one big step dorsum, clearly showing that kissing is over. It tin also help to put your hands non-confrontationally in front of you, palms downwardly, to send a message that creates infinite.

  2. 2

    Kindly let them know that you don't remember it is a good idea to buss. Passions are going to be loftier right now, so keep this short and sugariness. A simple "I don't recall this is a good idea correct now," is ofttimes the all-time answer, as it keeps you lot from existence mean or starting an statement. Simply state that you don't want to kiss.

    • In circumstances where i or both of you are passionate and emotional, information technology is usually best to avoid giving reasons or starting arguments. Keep things uncomplicated for now, knowing you can explain after.
  3. 3

    Remove yourself from the state of affairs. At that place is no reason to linger around now. You can explain your reasoning later, if need be. For now, just say that "you're sorry" and motility on, separating yourself. It volition make it easier for anybody to motion on if you're not in the aforementioned room.[9]

  4. 4

    Find time later to explain why you didn't want to kiss, if it feels appropriate. If y'all have a friend who got a little drunk, an ex who had other ideas, or a platonic buddy who wanted something more, and then y'all may feel comfortable explaining why you don't desire to get romantic. Know, however, that y'all don't owe anyone an explanation if you lot don't want to requite one -- simply not wanting to kiss someone is more than plenty of a reason not to buss them.[10]


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    What to say after a osculation?

    Community Answer

    Anything you want, or nothing at all! A unproblematic grinning is oftentimes more than enough.

  • Question

    What if they push you away?

    Community Answer

    Step back every bit well, showing you respect their wishes. Repent, and grinning -- trying to let them at present that you aren't forcing anything, just mis-read the state of affairs. While difficult, a little laugh and quick joke is a bang-up way to diffuse any tension.

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  • Don't be too stiff. Act naturally. He's/she's probably more nervous than you are, so just be natural.


  • Never run off and tell your friends near what you do with your partner, or think of means to "share" your buss.


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Commodity Summary X

If yous observe yourself flustered subsequently a kiss, but keep your absurd and savor the moment, since there'south no correct way to act afterwards a kiss. For example, pull them gently towards you and hold them in your artillery to show them y'all care without maxim a word. Carry on looking at your partner and smile to let them know you lot're thinking about them alone. If your kiss was passionate, motion back in for another kiss if y'all're both staying shut or your partner keeps looking at your lips. You can also try kissing other areas of your partner's face and cervix if you're both happy with getting more intimate. If you're unsure if your partner wants more intimacy, simply ask them straight, since a osculation doesn't automatically mean they want more concrete contact. For tips on how to respond to an unwanted osculation, continue reading!

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Source: https://www.wikihow.com/Respond-After-a-Kiss

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