Permect in Beef Cattle Lice Control Permectin

Management of Lice on Livestock

Cattle lice are an important winter flavour pest of livestock. Sucking and chewing lice tin can reduce the performance of livestock by lowering weight gains, feed efficiency and overall health of the brute. This guide provides bones lice information and chemical control options for preventing these ectoparasites from condign established.

Terminal Updated: 06/21
past Gregory Johnson, Professor Veterinarian Entomology; revised past Megan Van Emon, MSU Extension Beefiness Cattle Specialist


lice that parasitize wild birds and mammals, feeding on blood (sucking lice), skin, pilus or feathers (chewing lice) of a host. Most species are considered unimportant from a medical or veterinarian perspective. However, lice populations tin can occur past the thousands or even tens of thousands on an fauna. The biting and feeding activeness of lice is ofttimes irritating, and heavy infestations can compromise the production and vitality of animals.

Lice are by and large most abundant on livestock during the winter and early spring when animals are under stress from common cold weather, have inadequate diet, are infested with internal parasites or have a suppressed immune system. The interaction of these conditions with moderate to heavy lice infestations may outcome in poor feed efficiency, lower weight gains and milk production, irksome recovery from disease, anemia, and full general unthriftiness. The presence of lice causes animals to exist restless and agitated; they volition rub, scratch and lick excessively to get relief from the ectoparasites. The most obvious signs that livestock are infested with lice include pilus rubbed off from scratching, blood-stained hair or wool, and faces with a bluish/grayish appearance (especially on white-faced animals). The presence of lice can easily exist adamant past a close-up examination of the animal. Treatment of animals every bit described in this MontGuide will eliminate lice equally a competing gene for livestock product and health. Alternating active ingredients on an annual basis will let for better command of lice populations.

General Biology and Life Bicycle

Lice that infest livestock are categorized as biting or sucking based on their mouthparts. The mouthparts of bitter lice are designed to bite or scrape the skin or sever small pieces of hair or plumage to ingest. Sucking lice have piercing-sucking mouthparts that pierce the peel, penetrate a claret vessel then suck blood through a harbinger-like channel.

Adult lice are small (i/16–1/8 inch), wingless and flat-bodied. They spend their entire life on the host. Male and female person lice feed on the host, mate, and the female cements eggs or nits individually to creature hairs. Females eolith about 1 egg per solar day and can live for about 35 days. Egg incubation takes four to 15 days before the nymph hatches and each nymphal phase lasts 3 to 8 days. Life cycles are generally completed in 3 to 4 weeks. Lice are unable to survive prolonged periods (a few days) off the host. They have developed specialized structures (claws, hooks and spines) that enable them to attach and stay on the host. Sucking lice have legs that are modified into claws allowing them to grasp and hold onto hairs. Biting lice have grooved antennae that can encircle a host hair to facilitate attachment. Both biting and sucking lice have hooks and spines in various arrangements on their body that also aid in host zipper.

Lice are transferred from one animate being to another by straight contact usually when animals are being fed, worked, shipped, or when using a common scratching post. A herd tin be re-infested when untreated replacement animals are purchased and added to the herd or stray animals bring together a herd or flock, or when the elapsing of the insecticides wanes versus the life bicycle of the lice. Nose to nose contact past livestock sharing a mutual fence can exist sufficient for spread of these insects, especially during the winter when infestations are greatest and occur on the head and face.

Louse densities on domestic livestock tiptop during late autumn, winter and early bound and turn down during the summer. These seasonal population declines have been attributed to shedding winter coats, and weather factors such as intense summer estrus, sunlight or desiccation. In the summer, a few lice persist on animals by moving to protected areas in the folds of peel protected from high temperatures and sunlight. Older cows or bulls are the most likely animals to carry lice during the summer months.

Cattle Lice and Control

There are 4 species of lice, one bitter and iii sucking, which can occur on beefiness and dairy cattle in Montana at any one time. The cattle biting louse, Bovicola bovis, is one of the most common species found on cattle in Montana (Figure 1). They take a broad cherry caput and a stake brownish abdomen with slightly darker brownish stripes. Adult females are about 1/16 inch in length. This species obtains nourishment for energy and egg product by feeding on peel, scurf (like dandruff) and hair of the animal. Biting lice are frequently found on the top line of the back, especially the withers surface area and will spread to the poll and tail head.

Iii species of sucking lice are found on cattle: the longnosed, Linognathus vitulii, the little blue, Solenopotes capillatus, and the shortnosed, Haematopinus eurysternus. These three species obtain nutrients for energy and egg production by feeding on blood from the animal. Female person longnosed cattle lice are near one/10 inch in length with males slightly smaller (Figure one). This species infests calves more than frequently than mature animals. The preferred infestation sites are the shoulder, back, neck and dewlap. Morphologically, the second and third pair of legs are larger than the first and end in large claws for grasping.

A closeup image of a cattle biting louse on the left and a longnosed sucking louse on the right.

Figure 1. (left) Cattle biting louse: note crimson color with night confined at each abdominal segment and rounded head. Longnosed sucking louse. (right) Annotation narrow, pointed caput and claws for grasping hair.

The little blue louse is the smallest of the sucking lice; mature females are approximately 1/16 inch in length. Picayune blue lice occur in clusters on the face up, especially around the eyes and muzzle. Heavy infestations give the animal a blueish advent which is specially obvious on white-faced animals (Figure 2).

A brown and white calf's head with a bluish stain near the nose due to a lice infestation.

Figure two. Yearling calf heavily infested with little blue cattle lice. Note bluish appearance equally a consequence of presence of lice on cage and cheek.

This species and the longnosed cattle louse are the two near common species constitute on cattle in Montana.

The shortnosed cattle louse is the largest found on cattle in the northern U.Due south. with females averaging most 1/viii inch in length. Infestations occur on the neck, dewlap and brisket. This species has prominent projections (ocular points) on the side of its head and the three pairs of legs are of equal size. This is the least mutual species of cattle lice to occur in the Rocky Mountain region.


Many insecticide formulations and application methods are available for cattle lice control. The most popular application method is a pour-on considering of the ease of awarding and reduced stress when treating animals. To apply a pour-on, the right corporeality of insecticide, based on animal weight, is poured along the midline of the back of the animal starting at the withers, unless using a product that has residue effect to impale the unhatched eggs which requires the top of the poll and neck to accept one- 3rd of the awarding with the remaining dose applied along the dorsum. This ensures the long acting or residue event of the IGR (Insect Growth Regulator) that kills eggs. Insecticide dust practical through a dust handbag volition provide some control of cattle lice but will not eradicate lice on the animal. Grit numberless piece of work best when they are placed where cattle will employ them daily (due east.thousand., entrance to water tank, gateways). Dust bags demand to be checked weekly and periodically re-charged with grit. Liquid insecticides used for backrubbers or oilers will also suppress lice densities provided the backrubbers are re-charged with a mixture of diesel + insecticide. Sure insecticide ear tags applied in the fall will control biting lice.

Active ingredients in insecticides for lice command include pyrethroids, avermectins and spinosad. The most common active ingredient in many pour-ons is a pyrethroid, such as cypermethrin, permethrin, or cyfluthrin, and several products contain the synergist, piperonyl butoxide, to increase insecticide activity. These non-systemic insecticides last for several days. However, they do not kill the eggs, thus 2 applications are required xiv days apart for optimal lice control. The second awarding will kill newly hatched nymphs. Most pyrethroids are set up-to-apply (i.e., do not crave mixing) and can be practical to beef and dairy cattle. An exception is Saber Cascade-on (lambda-cyhalothrin) which is labeled for use only on beef cattle. Additionally, Clean Up Two is also labeled to kill louse eggs, which can pb to a unmarried handling being more effective. See Table ane for a listing of insecticides and the labeled species.

Avermectins are systemic insecticides that are derived from a soil microorganism, Streptomyces avermitilis. Avermectins include patented and generic compounds (ivermectin, moxidectin, doramectin, eprinomectin and generic ivermectins) that are formulated every bit pour-ons or injections. Pour-ons are effective against sucking and bitter lice on beef cattle. The avermectin products tend to cost more than pyrethroid pour-ons but they control a number of internal parasites (cattle grubs, roundworms and lungworms). Days to slaughter vary past production and applicators should check the characterization before applying.

Injectable avermectins are only registered for employ on beef cattle and are effective against sucking lice just. Producers using injectable avermectins in the fall will probable need to apply a not- systemic insecticide for bitter lice control.

Spinosad is derived from a soil-dwelling bacterium, Saccharopolyspora spinosa, and is constructive against sucking and biting lice. It has depression mammalian toxicity and can exist used on beef and dairy cattle. Spinosad is non-systemic and requires 2 applications 45–threescore days autonomously for maximum lice control.

Representative insecticides for controlling biting and sucking lice may be establish in Table 1. Insecticides are listed by chemical class with active ingredients, merchandise names, awarding methods, and species.

Horse Lice and Command

Ii species of lice, one biting and one sucking, occur on horses, donkeys, and mules in the Rocky Mountain region. Although these species are not as mutual as cattle lice, infestations may reduce the vigor of the brute or predispose them to diseases. In improver to being spread by animate being-to-animal contact, equus caballus lice can be transmitted through grooming equipment and blankets.

The horse bitter louse, Bovicola equi, like in advent to the cattle biting louse, is generally more common than the equus caballus sucking louse. This species is about 1/10 inch in length and typically infests the neck, flanks, and tail base where it prefers to lay its eggs. These lice feed on skin, pilus and pare secretions.

Signs of a bitter louse infestation include a scruffy or rough hair coat and excessive rubbing or scratching.

The sucking louse, Haematopinus asini, infests fibroid hair, especially the forelock, mane, base of the tail and on hairs just above the hoof. It's virtually 1/viii inch in length and is slate gray. The shape of the body and head is similar in appearance to sucking lice species found on cattle. Sucking lice infestations can result in scratching, rubbing and biting at the infested areas.


Insecticides for controlling lice on horses are available as body sprays, wipe-ons or dust (Table 1). Wait for age restrictions on the insecticide label as some products or awarding methods should not exist used on foals under iii months of age. Body sprays are mixed and applied by a mitt pressurized sprayer or mist sprayer. Thoroughly cover the brute but avoid getting the product into horse's eyes and other sensitive areas such every bit the mouth or nose. It is recommended to use a piece of clean, absorbent cloth (Turkish toweling) or sponge to utilize insecticide to the facial surface area. A second handling 14–21 days afterward is recommended. Insecticide dust can be applied by shaker can or dusting glove. The personal protective equipment (PPE) that should be worn when handling and applying insecticides includes: long sleeved shirt, long pants, shoes and socks, chemical resistant (waterproof or safety) gloves and safety glasses or other advisable centre protection.

Sheep Lice and Control

3 species of lice can occur on sheep and goats: the African blueish louse, Linognathus africanus, the sheep foot louse, L. pedalis, and the sheep biting louse, Bovicola ovis. The sheep biting louse, while considered the number one louse problem on domestic sheep worldwide, is uncommon, if not absent, in the Rocky Mountain States. It is similar in both appearance and feeding behavior to other biting lice found on livestock.

The sheep human foot louse is widely distributed in North America. Light infestations of this species occur as small colonies of lice between and around the accessory digits. In heavy infestations not simply the legs support heavy numbers of lice but also the scrotum of rams. This louse is not considered very injurious since feeding occurs on the hairier parts of the sheep's body and the animal exhibits little discomfort. In severe infestations, however, information technology may cause some lameness.

The African blue louse is established in sheep producing regions in the southwestern and western U.S. where it has go a major pest of sheep and has been reported on goats. Currently, this is the but louse species of economical importance in Montana. Female lice are one/x inch in length and males are slightly smaller. Infestations in the winter can be constitute on the rib and shoulder areas of sheep. Lambs and yearlings are more than susceptible to lice than older animals with heaviest infestations occurring in animals in these age groups that are under stress from poor diet or disease. Heavily infested sheep in total fleece can accept large patches of blood-stained wool which is encarmine fecal material from the lice (Figure 3).

A sheep in a snowy field being held by a person has a large brownish blood stain due to an African blue lice infestation.

Figure 3. Blood-stained wool caused past an infestation of African blue lice. Scouring of the wool will non remove the stain.


Sheep susceptibility to lice tin can vary amongst individuals within a flock, so only a few animals may appear to be infested. Because other animals may be conveying low levels of lice which will serve to re-infest the flock, it is recommended that all animals in a flock exist treated. It is also of import to care for replacement animals to prevent a new infestation from existence introduced. For optimum lice control with spray and pour-on products, manufacturers recommend a second application 10–14 days after the start treatment. The cascade-on insecticides listed in Tabular array i are oil-based and may leave an oily residue on the wool. Insecticide dust can exist applied by shaker can, dusting glove or mechanical dusting applicator.

Advisedly read and follow the insecticide label concerning the awarding of whatever insecticide to livestock. Due to constantly changing labels, laws and regulations, MSU Extension can assume no liability for the suggested employ of chemicals contained herein. Pesticides must be applied legally, complying with all characterization directions and precautions on the pesticide container and any supplemental labeling and rules of state and federal pesticide regulatory agencies.

Table one. Insecticides for lice command on livestock.

Active Ingredients one

Trade Proper name
Chemical Class 2 Application Method three
Doramectin Dectomax A PO, I Beefiness cattle, swine
Moxidectin Cydectin A PO, I Cattle
Eprinomectin Eprinex A PO Cattle
Ivermectin Ivermectin A PO Cattle
Ivermectin Ivomec A PO, I Cattle, swine
Eprinomectin Eprizero A PO Cattle
Ivermectin Bimectin A PO, I Beefiness cattle
Ivermectin Noromectin A PO, I Cattle
Coumaphos Co-Ral OP D Cattle, swine
Phosmet Prolate/Lintox-Hd OP S, BR Cattle, swine
Coumaphos Co-Ral OP South, BR Cattle, swine, horses
Permethrin Prozap Insectrin P D Cattle, swine, horses
Zeta-cypermethrin/PB Python P D Cattle, sheep, goats, horses
Permethrin Revenge Dust-On P D Cattle, swine, horses
Permethrin Boss P PO Cattle, sheep
Permethrin Creature P PO, BR Cattle, horses
Diflubenzuron/Permethrin Clean-Up II P PO Cattle, horses
Cyfluthrin Cylence P PO Cattle
Permethrin/PB Permectin CDS P PO, BR, S, WO Cattle, sheep, horses
Permethrin Permethrin 1% P PO, BR Cattle, sheep
Permethrin/Atomic number 82 Revenge Pour-On P PO, BR Cattle, sheep, horses
Lambda-cyhalothrin Saber P PO Beefiness cattle
Gamma-cyhalothrin StandGuard P PO Beef cattle
Permethrin/PB Synergized DeLice P PO, BR Cattle, sheep
Permethrin/PB UltraBoss P PO, BR Cattle, sheep, goats, horses
Lambda-cyhalothrin/Pb UltraSaber P PO Beef cattle
Permethrin GardStar xl% EC P South, BR Cattle, swine, sheep, goats, horses
Permethrin Prozap Insectrin X P S, BR Cattle, swine, sheep, goats, horses
Permethrin Atroban 11% EC P BR, S Cattle, sheep, goats, horses
Spinosad ExPO Extinosad S PO Sheep

1PB = Piperonyl butoxide
twoChemical Grade: A=avermectin, OP=organophosphate, P=pyrethroid, Southward=Spinosad
3Application Method: BR=backrubber, D=grit, I=injectable, PO=pour-on, S=spray, WO=wipe-on


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